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Music Therapy During Massage

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There are many benefits to incorporating music during your massage. Several studies show that listening to soothing nature sounds and relaxing music increases your serotonin levels. Science Daily did a controlled study showing a significant reduction in stress, anxiety and depression after two weeks of music therapy. Four pre-recorded 30-minute music CDs were created for the study and each featured music that mimicked the human heart rate, with between 60 and 80 beats per minute. Over the course of the two week study there were significant decreases in the women’s stress, depression and anxiety scales. The value of music therapy is slowly being realized by nurses in a number of clinical settings and is viewed as a cost-effective, non-invasive way of reducing stress.

You may be wondering how that pertains to the Luraco iRobotics i7 massage chair? It is easily assumed that a massage will relax your body, but with the i7 you can now relax yourself mentally as well. The chair is equipped with a music system that will play throughout your massage. The only requirement is that you have access to an SD card that has the ability to store your music that you would like to listen to. The study mentioned above focused on music that mimics the human heart rate, but you are able to listen to any type of music that you choose. Once your SD card is loaded you simply insert it into the side of the remote control. Luraco claims that their music system is one of the best on the market. Why not find out for yourself?